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Message ID 292267
Sender "RX"
Original or Reply Reply
Date Posted 6-15-2000
Newsgroups Posted To
Post Subject Line Re: Married 12 years have not told my spouse. Would like to hear others experiences.
Message Text
There's probably more people like you and me out there than anyone will ever
know.  I've been married a lot longer than you, and have daughters and
grandchildren.  If you are like me, this TG/TS thing will never go away.

I've decided to just get castrated, and maybe go on a small amount of
estrogen to eliminate the hot flashes and cold sweats.  If I get feminized -
fantastic!  - I too would like to improve my looks.  As far a dressing like
a woman, I wear women's boot jeans, shorts and T-Tops.  I wear them because
they fit my shape better.  (My tummy to hip ratio is female.)  I've already
started on electrolysis.  This has really helped my self esteem.

I should point out that my wife and daughter go along with the castration.
I mean - I'll just shoot blanks after that, right!   What they don't know is
that I will be looking at complete nullification later.  It may or may not
ever become reality.  (By the way, at my age, I don't need or want a

I guess this means that I'm transgendered and not a true transsexual.
However, complete transition would be great.  But with the wife and family
to think about, It will never happen.  I probably could never pass anyway.

Just hang in there and take one step at a time.  Things will fall into


<.> wrote in message
> Hello,
> Just started HRT. Self medicating out of NZ and GR. Im not sure how
> far I will take this. Now before the lecture's come flying in, I am an
> Adult and move forward at my own risk. I do not wish to full
> transition in as much that I desire to feminise. My real desire would
> be to be to possess best attributes of both sexes. Before you ask, I
> would prefer not to hash over the reasons why I have taken this
> course. Just sufice it to say, I do not make decisions rashly or
> without great research and care. That's my story and I'm sticking to
> it! :)
> My question is this. I've read many postings regarding telling your SO
> of the desire to transition. But all of the accounts are people who
> have appeared to be in non-married relationships or they started HRT
> after their marriage broke up. Or their spouse new about it before
> they were married so it was part of the pre-marriage package. However,
> I have yet to read a posting with somebody in my position who has kids
> and a spouse who doesn't even suspect.
> I would like to hear from anyone who told their spouse after they
> started and how they approached it. What was there reaction? How did
> you feel? etc. etc.
> Outside of my little situation we are otherwise happy. Before you ask,
> I do not wish to hash over
> BTW. My spouse is not exactly a forward thinker and is the type that
> easily blushes at the mention of sexual inuendos. I cannot conceive of
> how my spouse would react. I am not sure I will tell right away. Has
> anybody in a similiar position done this and what happened when you
> did?
> Thanks