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Message ID 222555
Sender Valerie
Original or Reply Reply
Date Posted 6-30-2004
Newsgroups Posted To
Post Subject Line Re: New Girl in Town
Message Text
Hi Helen,
I was being flip with the dinner-date suggestion. And my age would surely 
provoke some discussion relative to the HSTS and AG thing which I'd rather 
not go into. Thanks anyway. Let's say, I'm over 21 and still get carded 
when I go out drinking and that I look young for my age.

As far as changing the subject, as women we have an inalienable right to 
switch sides on a moment's notice or to stick with a subject until next ice 
age begins. It's actually very freeing. 

Moans, whimpers, and softish stuff is good too especially late at night 
when you're real tired and you really want to sleep first but your partner 
is feeling overly amorous. And sex does tend to promote a more restful 
sleep, doesn't it?

Snapping, snarling, and snerling don't really sound like productive ways to 
conduct conversations. But thanks for the tip. Noted and noting.