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Message ID 121374
Sender Kevin Wilson <70641.507@CompuServe.COM>
Original or Reply Original
Date Posted 10-27-1994
Newsgroups Posted To alt.transgendered
Post Subject Line tala's raves
Message Text (Vern Bodkin) writes:

>Not everybody who chooses not to have surgery is just a jealous pinhead.

>There are a whole host of reasons not to choose surgery.

>I, and I assume at least a few others, come to this group in the hope of
>finding people who share a common belief.  The belief that what hangs (or
>fails to hang) between your legs is not what determines who you are.  That
>gender is somewhere else.

>I have been supportive of all my friends who have chosen to have surgery.  I
>don't think it is too much to expect the converse.

Yay Vern!

Excellent points, and well made.

I think much of the reaction here though is because of Tala's .. er...
"combative" way of expressing her opinions, to the point of personally
insulting people who *do* choose to have surgery.  That isn't supportive
either.  It ought to be possible to discuss the pros and cons of
surgeries of all kinds without calling each other names.

Kevin (who's had chest surgery, and may or may not choose to have genital
surgery later on).